Good News丨BEVS won the "Ringier Technology Innovation Awards"
Category: New Product
Date: 2021-05-18
Click: 5883
Author: Xiaohei

Good news  

BEVS won the "Ringier Technology Innovation Awards 2021".


On May 12-13, 2021, the "2021 China Coatings Summit" and "2021 Green Ink and Printing Technology Application Seminar" hosted by Ringier Industrial Media were held in Shanghai. BEVS was an exhibitor at this conference who displayed innovative products and technology, the "Intelligent Coating Formulation Station" made by BEVS won the Ringier Technology Innovation Award.

Intelligent Coating Formulation Station 

The Ringier Technology Innovation Awards for industrial manufacturing were inaugurated by Ringier Trade Media in 2006. The Awards is now rewarded to a selected group of innovators each year in a number of pillar industries in China. The purpose of the Awards is to encourage, acknowledge and reward those individuals and companies who have introduced and developed a new idea, a new methodology, a new product or a new technology for manufacturing production efficiency, cost effectiveness, user convenience, which might result in energy saving and more responsible clean manufacturing in the industry.